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Tips to Ensure Your Listing is Approved on GeM

Tips to Ensure Your Listing is Approved on GeM
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Tips to Ensure Your Listing is Approved on GeM


 It is very important to follow the GeM rules so that you don't get turned down. The government can see them after sellers have been cleared. This makes room for India's public buying system to grow and opens up new opportunities.


Do these easy things:

Step 1: That is the first thing you need to do.

  • GST form: Check to see if your GST account is still open.
  • Remember to bring your PAN card to work.
  • Learn how to open a bank account for your business.
  • What You Need to Do Business on Udyam: Sign up to get gifts on the Udyam page if you are an MSME.
  • An ISO/BIS tag should be on everything you sell.


Step 2: Put it in GeM. Login to your GeM Seller account:

  • Use your passwords to get into
  • Press the "Product Upload" button.
  • "Add Product" or “Catalog Management" are the menu options.

Tell us more about it:

  • Type (pick the best group from the drop-down box)  
  • Here are some tech facts based on what the government wants:
  • It ships for free, and the price seems fair.
  • Keep an eye on when Deliveries take place.

Make sure the shots you post are Product:

  • Post shots of your things that are at least the right size for GeM and look Product.
  • Things can have ISO and BIS marks on them.

Prepare all of your stock:

  • Tell them what they need to know, like how much stock you have and how often you need to buy more.

Deals and Prices:

Make sure your prices are fair, and offer deals or cuts if you can.


Step 3: Do what GeM tells you to do.

  • Always do what the government tells you.
  • Know how something works before you buy it.
  • Needs to learn how to do it on GeM.


Step 4: Put it somewhere.

  • Before you send it, read it all the way through.
  • After that, click "Publish" to show it to everyone.


Step 1: To get things in order:

  • Get what you need. Get ready to see the GST bill: For your service business, make sure GST is set up.
  • PAN Card: Don't forget to bring your PAN card to work.

To help an MSME, you can get an Udyam Registration Certificate.

  • Proof that you've worked before: These show that you've done Product work for other companies before. You might need a letter from someone to use this service.


Step 2: Add the service to GeM.

  • Log in to your GeM Seller account:  Go to and log in.
  • In the menu, click on "Service Upload": "Add Service" and "Service Management" links should be there.
  • Tell us more about the service: Name of the service type (look in the picture or the drop-down bar for it) All of these things have to do with work. When prices are close to what they should be, things cost more.
  • You can put things here: You can also add a service-level agreement (SLA).

Step 3: Write down the rules for the business.

  • Describe the scope of the work: Make it clear what the service does and what you'll get.
  • Please write down the time that works for you: Tell them when and where the service is if it's important.

Step 4: Do what GeM tells you.

  • The service has to follow the rules that the government and GeM have set.
  • Fill in the gaps with the correct details about "Make in India."


Step 5: Tell everyone about the service

  • Make sure everything is still okay by checking it again.
  • To add the service to GeM, click "Publish" when you're done.
  • You can use these tips for Good or bad.
  • You should use BidHelp. Learn how to work on GeM and keep track of your bids at. You can also discover how much things cost.
  • Your prices and service need to change a lot if you want to keep your business open.
  • Watch how much you have in stock and how long it takes to ship.


What People Say: After you write down the things and services, ask people what they think about them. Then make them better and more noticeable.



To sum up, businesses that want to work with the government must list their Product and services on the Government e-Marketplace (GeM). This is an easy but important step. GeM is a Product case. Making sure the things or services you list are right is part of the process. Things have to be set up and sent in before they can be sold. GeM makes it simple for Indians who want to sell to find Indians who want to buy from the government. After that, people will have more faith in you and your power. You can also learn more. Long-term growth has made it possible for the Indian government to buy more things than it could before.   

City:New Delhi
Last Published Date:January 30, 2025
Post status: Active
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