Company Description - Akbar travel is India's largest travel company providing best
solutions to ease travel for customers, not only India but International as well. Flight booking became easier with Akbartravels Travel portal. In addition to strengthening its existing services to customers and travel partners, much new travel- related products are added to the website. Akbar travels success extended when low-cost airlines serving to Gulf countries associated directly with them like Air India, Air Arabia, Fly Dubai. It's a one-stop shop for passengers to buy tickets in out India with best prices.
Campaign's Description - is a largest online platform for Hotel Booking solutions, It gives the publisher a chance to make money as soon as
user books hotel at Akbartravels through publisher's link.
Target Geo: India
Cookie time: 30 Days.
Allowed Traffic: Mentioned in the traffic sources tab.
Validation Cycle: 30 Days
Tracking: Online
Objectives - The main objectives are as follow:
Brand Stop Keywords: Akbar Travel, Akbar Travel Hotel Booking, Akbar Travels Online
NOTE: - Only the unique sale will be attributed