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Oneitech, Bengaluru(Id# ij9wNIiLhw)

Cloud/ Network Certifications
Special Deal: Upto ₹10,000 Off
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Oneitech, Bengaluru(Id# ij9wNIiLhw)

Cloud/ Network Certifications
Special Deal: Upto ₹10,000 Off
Service location: Online
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his artificial intelligence course prepares you to strategically contribute to the adoption of machine learning and AI features in your own projects and applications.

Learn to separate reality from myth, and filter real-world applications from business media buzz. This class is a fast-paced, intensive literacy class that leaves you quickly equipped with a broad range of management tools to incorporate machine intelligence into your own business strategy. “AI” is a buzzword, but the actual technology behind machine learning and other machine intelligence services is very real. Although there is broad consensus among major management analysts that AI and machine learning are immediate disruptors to most technology services, there is still very little practical adoption when it comes to integrating these features.

The difficulties of adoption come with good reason. The data science and application engineering skills required to execute a machine intelligence strategy and demonstrate concrete value from it are still the domain of only a few. But with tools such as Google’s open-source TensorFlow and others coming online all the time, suddenly much of the doctoral-level science of AI is already built into services that are more accessible to development teams. Even small wins on an AI strategy can move the needle, and a competitive position is being grabbed by those that can execute. 

Address: 66/1, coles road cleveland town
Pin code: 560005
Last Published Date:December 26, 2024
Post status: Active
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