Talc is the softest mineral (possessing place 1 in the Mohs' hardness scale) known on our planet earth. It is lamellar, platy, organophilic, water repellent with rare warm and mechanical properties. It has a high limit with regards to retaining natural substances. It is also acid & alkali-resistible, chemically inert, and non-toxic. Talc has neither smell nor taste. This makes it an extremely essential mineral in our everyday life. Its silicate layers lie on top of each other without having a chemical bond yet are bound to one another by weak Vander Waals forces. This design gives talc the platy appearance and its specialty greasy or soapy feeling – hence the name "soapstone”. Talc Powder in India | Talc Soapstone Mineral Company in India .Talc is a hydrated magnesium silicate [chemical formulation is Mg3Si4O10(OH)2 ] Otherwise called Steatite. It is the main Factor part of soapstone. Its crystals usually develop massive, bladed aggregates with laminar particles.
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