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Medicomp India, Mumbai(Id# 5OfrBSoToS)

Alternative Therapy/ Medicine; Exp: 2 year
Special Deal: 20% Off
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Experience: 2 year
Service location: Online
India's #1 Medicine Price Comparison
Additional Details

Launched in Sep 2021,
India's #1 online medicine price comparison company, MEDICOMP INDIA ,
is a start-up that gets Live Prices Of Medicines From Different Sites All On One Platform within 5-10 seconds.
Medicomp india is a company that provides price comparison for medicines and medical equipment. We are India’s first and largest price comparison service for medical products. Our team is driven by the vision of making healthcare affordable for the masses. We have helped thousands of patients save big on their medical treatment.
We provide unbiased information on various medicines and prescriptions available in the Indian market. This information is provided through a price comparison engine that helps patients to make an informed purchase decision.

Service provider:Medicomp India
Address: India
Pin code: 400004
Last Published Date:September 19, 2024
Post status: Active
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