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Solutionsat99, Hyderabad(Id# 5Jy0FYRepV)

Other professional services; Exp: More than 15 year
Other professional services; Exp: More than 15 year
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Experience: More than 15 year
Service location: Online
problem solving services
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 Problem, Problems
& More Problems, this is the reality of life & it’s with everybody.  

Darwin’s theory
says, there is a “Struggle for Existence” & “Survival of the Fittest”. Life
is becoming very competitive & filled with pressure, let it be personal, professional, business,
studies, job, sports, arts & what
not. People don’t have time even for
themselves & others. We are now going
more nuclear, away from joint families due to self centric mind set. This is
taking a heavy toll on the social life leading to loneliness & other unwanted

A study says, In India, the National Mental Health Survey 2015-16 revealed
that nearly 15% Indian adults need active intervention for one or more mental
health issues and one in 20 Indians
suffers from depression. It is estimated that in 2012, India had over 2,58, 000
suicides, this includes highly educated doctors, engineers, Phd, officials,
housewives, working people , non working people, students, all with the
age-group of 15-49 years being most affected. All these because they think,
there is NO Solution to their problem & there is No Body to listen to &
Solve their problem.  It’s really painful
to loose a healthy resource. God bless.  visit for solutions to your problems

Service provider:Solutionsat99
Address: laxmi nagar langar house, hyderabad
Pin code: 500008
Last Published Date:September 15, 2024
Post status: Active
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